How to Take Care of a Wild Baby Possum

The other twenty-four hours I was watching the sunset when I heard my dogs frantically barking in the back yard. I rushed outside to observe out what all the mayhem was about, and saw a tiny possum cowering behind the fence.

I looked everywhere but could not discover its mother. I decided to bring the little guy something to eat and beverage, but I had no thought what was safe for him!

I decided to do some research and find out what the experts have to say.

What practice Baby Possums Eat and Potable?

The answer to this question depends on the age of the possum. A possum that is at least seven inches long (from nose to tip of tail) is actually old enough to be on its ain. If yous want to feed a possum this age, y'all can give it water and diced fruits and veggies.

Smaller Possum babies demand to beverage diluted, powdered formula, and when they get a little bigger, they can eat mashed fruits and vegies or infant food.

If you run into the possum walking around on its own, it most likely does not demand its mother anymore. If you lot discover a possum smaller than vii inches, how you intendance for the trivial guy is dependent on its age. The balance of this commodity will hash out what to do if you discover an orphaned babe possum, how to care for an orphaned baby possum, and what they can eat and drinkable.

What to Do if You Detect a Wild, Orphaned Baby Possum

First of all, if the possum has all its teeth, hair, whiskers, information technology'south eyes are open, information technology is at least 7 inches long, and it is wandering around without its mother, y'all Practise NOT need to and SHOULD Non take it in.

Possums are marsupials, which means the mommy possum carries her babies in a pouch until they are erstwhile enough to be on their own, just similar a kangaroo!

The possum I found was erstwhile enough to be on her own, only sometimes babies are a lot less fortunate than the one I found.

There are basically two scenarios where infant possums need to be taken in. First, sometimes an older baby will autumn out of the mother's pouch or off her back. Possum mothers acquit their babies with them, so if a baby smaller than 7 inches is found that ways it is orphaned.

The mother usually has effectually xiii babies at a time, so she does not go looking for missing ones. The second scenario is much more unfortunate, and I am so sorry for anyone who has to experience this. Basically, the second scenario happens when you find a deceased female parent who still has babies clinging to her back or in her pouch.

If you notice a deceased mother with pinkish babies yet attached to the nipples in her pouch Practise NOT Try TO REMOVE THEM.

Their mouths are fastened to her body, and they need to be cut lose by a vet. If you endeavor to remove them yourself, they will likely die.

Yous might also find pink babies in the pouch who are non attached to the nipple and their optics are open. Whatsoever pink babies need to exist warmed Every bit Before long AS POSSIBLE! Hypothermia kills more orphaned possums than starvation. Exercise not bear upon the possums with your bare hands.

Use gloves or cloth as a barrier and to non touch your face until you have thoroughly washed your hands.

If the babies are fastened, wrap the female parent in a towel, sheet, sometime t-shirt, or any other fabric. Place her in a box with a warm water canteen or 2 to keep her and the babies warm.

Take her to the nearest wild animals center or exotic vet that can help. If the babies are not attached, try to utilise an old t-shirt or fabric to wrap them in because their claws easily get caught in towel loops.. You lot can use the hot water canteen or gently concur the babies close to your body to share your warmth.

NEVER use a human heating pad. These go way too hot and y'all could accidentally cook the babies.

You should call a local wild fauna heart and ask them if they can take the babies. Sometimes the centers exercise not accept the room or supplies to care for baby possums, so y'all should ask if they raise the young ones or just put them downwards. NEVER phone call animal control! Most of the time, animal control has to put animals down.

Raising the baby possum or possums yourself should exist an absolute terminal resort. Each state has laws regarding the private ownership of possums that you demand to wait into.

Possums can be very unsafe and should exist raised and released past an expert.

Merely sometimes you discover yourself in a situation where your local wildlife centers cannot care for the babies. If you are the babies only hope for survival, the remainder of this article will teach yous how to intendance for wild, orphaned babe possums.

Baby Possum
Baby Possum

How exercise You Raise and Take Care of a Wild, Orphaned Babe Possum?

If you are reading at this point, your baby possum or possums are less than 7 inches long, their optics are open, and they are safely wrapped in a fabric. It is very hard to enhance an orphaned wild possum, so once again this should be your absolute last resort.


The first affair you will need to do is correct the babies body temperature. An adult possum's body temperature is around 95.36 °F or 35.2 °C. Possum practiced Dr. Ron Hines says the all-time initial heat source for the babies is a hot water canteen. Babies are more than likely to die from hypothermia than starvation, and then take care of their body temperature first.


Once the babies are warm, the 2d affair you need to exercise is hydrate them. Dr. Hines has been caring for orphaned possums for over 60 years.

He says y'all will demand a "1cc syringe with a short portion of medical silicone safety tubing placed over the needle end" to feed and hydrate babies under 6 inches long. He says you should requite them Pedialyte through the syringe until you have the proper formula for them. Every bit before long as the babies cease greedily accepting the Pedialyte even slightly, cease letting them beverage. Information technology is better to give them besides piddling than too much.


The abode for the babies needs to be warm and humid. You should go a plastic bin with a lid and poke air holes or go a terrarium from a local pet store (avoid the metal-mesh kind). Put old t-shirts, cloth, shredded paper, or paper towels in the bottom of their bin or terrarium.

Utilise a commercial pet heating pad for warmth. Human heating pads, lamps, and light bulbs are besides hot, unpredictable, and can be fire hazards, so DO NOT utilise these. You could cook the babies alive on accident because they are not old enough to move away when they get too hot. For humidity, identify several damp sponges in a shallow dish and put the dish in the bin or terrarium.

Minimize Stress

If yous brought the babies home, they should exist fearful of humans. Give them places to hide in their bin or terrarium, then identify the bin or terrarium in a tranquility identify with low lighting.

Avoid making loud noises and sudden movements and interact with the babies as lilliputian as possible. Make certain the bin or terrarium is secure then the babies cannot escape when they get bigger.


Baby possums cannot go to the bathroom on their own until they are around ten-11 weeks old. As the experts say, you need to "stimulate to eliminate." Dr. Hines recommends taking a clean cotton ball or Q-tip and dampening it with warm h2o, the gently rubbing the baby's genital area until information technology goes to the bathroom. This needs to be done for them to go #1 and #ii.

How to Feed a Baby Possum & How to Teach a Baby Possum to Eat

You will not have to teach the babe how to swallow. Eventually they volition figure out that you are their merely nutrient source and give in. Just keep offering them food until they accept it.

Once more as Dr. Hines suggests, you volition need to employ the 1cc syringe with the protective medical silicone over the abrupt needle end. If you want to read Dr. Hines' article on caring for orphaned babe possums, check out this link.

How you hold the infant while feeding is extremely important. You volition want to elevate their head, make sure at that place is no pressure on their breast or stomach, and feed very slowly with frequent breaks. As soon as the baby stops greedily eating, fifty-fifty just a little, stop feeding. It is ameliorate to requite likewise little than too much at this stage.

How much formula to feed the babe possum depends on its size. The formula needs to be diluted. Dr. Hines recommends you feed the post-obit;

Weight (in grams) Average Amount of Formula to Feed
10 grams 0.5cc
25 grams i.0cc
50 grams i.75-2.75cc
100 grams 5.0cc

Experts recommend using the powdered grade of Esbilac past PetAg for formula. For possums under 30 grams, mix 1 part formula with five parts water. Once they weigh over xxx grams, slowly decrease the amount of water until you attain ane office formula and two parts water.

Once the babe's eyes and mouth are open, you should mix their formula with soft kitten food and offer them the dish to swallow on their own. The kitten nutrient needs to exist a high quality brand with NO FISH in the ingredients.

How ofttimes do yous feed a baby possum?

Again this depends on age. Babe possums grow at different rates and sizes, so experts recommend using physical characteristics and behaviors to determine how oftentimes to feed the infant.

Characteristics and Behaviors How Often to Feed How to Feed
Furless and pinkish, eyes and mouths closed, brand a sneeze-like "choo-choo" audio when hungry or looking for mom Every 2 hours during the day and every four hours at night Formula mix in 1cc syringe with medical silicone on precipitous needle stop.
Testify first signs of skin pigmentation and fur growth, will cry out loud when upset Every ii hours during the day, try to eliminate nighttime feeding. Formula mix in 1 cc syringe with medical silicone on abrupt needle end.
Whiskers begin to grow around mouth Every 2 and ½ hours Formula mix in 1 cc syringe with medical silicone on abrupt needle stop.
Fur begins to grow effectually neck and back Every 3 hours Formula mix in 1 cc syringe with medical silicone on sharp needle end.
Optics and mouth begin to open, begin crawling around bin or terrarium Every iii-iv hours Offer formula mix in a shallow dish. Of a infant does not swallow from the dish, use the 1cc syringe to "acme them off"
Can become to the bathroom on their own. Every iv-five hours Mix their formula mix with soft, high-quality puppy or kitten food, put in shallow dish, and place dish in bin or terrarium. After about some other week they can be given mashed fruits and veggies (endeavor Gerber baby food)

What practice newborn baby possums eat

Newborn babe possums drink their mother's milk until they are between 80-90 days old. Orphaned baby possums tin can drink Pedialyte, powdered formula (Esbilac), and some water.

How long can a infant possum survive without its mother

Not very long unfortunately. The babies demand their mother for warmth and nutrient. if their body temperature drops too low after being separated from their mother, the baby will not make it. Hypothermia kills more than baby possums than starvation.  How long the baby can survive will depend on the temperature of its environment, just without warmth and food it will not survive longer than 2-iii days.

How long can a baby possum survive without food

Over again, not very long. Like other mammals, baby possums will probably non terminal longer than 2-3 days without food.

Can baby possums drink cow's milk or goat's milk

NO! NEVER! You should never give a baby possum cow'due south milk or goat's milk; information technology could impale them. It is fashion too strong for them and they are non used to it.

Do babe possums drink water

Yes. Orphaned baby possums tin can drinkable water through a syringe or in a shallow dish, and wild baby possums tin beverage water as soon as they are sometime enough to lap up liquid on their ain.

Other Foods that Older baby Possums can swallow

There are other foods which yous starting time to introduce and feed to a baby possum once information technology reaches 7-viii weeks. Let'due south meet the nigh common foods and If they would be expert to feed to a baby possum.

Cat food

But high-quality brands with no fish in the ingredients. You should avoid cheap cat foods if you can, and for a baby possum requite them soft true cat food. Some practiced brands include Taste of the Wild, Bluish Buffalo, and Victor.

Baby food

YES! Gerber has a large variety of mashed baby foods that are great for possums to eat! Baby possums practice not need a ton of poly peptide so attempt to stick with fruits and veggies mostly. Avoid fish, raw meat, and beef. Chicken is probably your safest option simply try to stick to vegetables and fruits for infant food.


When they are former enough and if bananas are bachelor, aye. Baby possums will eat anything they can find, and if you are raising a baby who is sometime enough to eat on its own bananas are a safe pick for fruit. Gerber actually makes a assistant baby food that is already mashed and condom to feed your baby possum!

Cheese or yogurt

From my research, I think the safest thing to exercise is avert all dairy. All of the experts I found said not to give possums dairy. A few said older baby possums can accept pocket-sized amounts of cheese and yogurt only I think it would be all-time to avoid that food group altogether.


YES! Possums are scavengers and will eat whatever they can get their mouths on. When your baby possum is ready to start eating on its ain you lot should feed it mashed fruits or baby food. when information technology has all 50 teeth, you lot should cut the fruit into seize with teeth-size pieces.


Grass is non normally a offset choice, simply they volition eat it if there is aught meliorate available. They eat a lot of leaves including sweet tater leaves, lettuce, and broccoli leaves.


Yes and no. While the babe is still drinking milk/formula they practise not really eat meat because they get virtually of the protein they need form the milk/formula. When they get bigger they start eating pocket-sized insects, nuts and seeds. If you lot think y'all demand to give a baby possum meat, the safest options are boiled eggs and craven. Avoid raw meat, fish, and beef.

Related Questions

What do Australian baby possums consume? Australian infant possums are very similar to N American baby possums. They also drink their mother's milk until they are nigh eighty-90 days sometime, and so they become omnivores as they get older.

Possums swallow all kinds of plants, animals, insects, fruits, and veggies!

Are infant possums unsafe? Yes. Possums will bite if they experience threatened, but even babies with no teeth can still exist dangerous. Possums carry many infectious diseases and parasites including salmonella, leptospirosis, typhus, fleas, ticks, and many more. This is why you should NEVER touch a possum with your bare hands.

Do possums leave their babies while eating? Never. Possums are marsupials, which ways they deport their babies in a pouch until they are large enough to motility around on their ain.

Even later on the babies are large plenty to leave the pouch, the mother carries them on her back until they are one-time enough to leave. She takes her babies with her EVERYWHERE.

How practice you get a baby possum? You lot practise non "go" a baby possum. You should never endeavor to go a possum as a pet. They are wild animals and can be aggressive and bear diseases.

The only manner anyone should e'er have a babe possum in their home is if they were unfortunate enough to find the infant clinging to its expressionless mother, and there were no local wild animals centers who could keep and care for the baby.


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