Round Rump Beef Cuts of Meet

Cut out the defoliation when choosing your beef


Zero satisfies like your favourite meat dish. No affair your meat preference, knowing your cuts will help you lot to choose the correct piece of meat for every repast every time.

Cutting out the confusion and get a real gustatory modality for beefiness, lamb, and pork cuts with our comprehensive guides.

The mankind from a steer, cow, or other bovine animate being is referred to as beefiness. The meat from the beast tin be separated into 17 different cuts, each with its own unique cooking characteristics. Have a look at our guide to beef cuts, then go inspired with our beef recipes. Types of beef cuts

Your guide to beef cuts

  1. Hump: Hump contains the meaty portions on the top of the first few ribs. It consists of several muscle layers running in different directions. Hump makes a wonderful pot roast or wearisome-cooked oven roast, also suitable for humid every bit a joint.
  2. Neck: A very tasty cut, neck meat consists mostly of meat, with some connective tissue that becomes gelatinous during cooking. The meat can be minced or cubed, with bones used for the stock pot.
  3. Shin: When cross-cut into slices, shin makes fantastic osso buco. Shin is home to the marrow bones, which are delicious in soups and stews. The collagen in the meat turns to a soft gelatine while cooking, keeping the meat extremely tender.
  4. Bolo: Used whole, the bolo's rich flavour makes a fabulous pot roast. Cube for stewing, slice with a knife for braising, or plough into a steak beef olive for frying. Bolo should be prepared medium to medium rare to prevent toughness. Tedious, moist cooking methods work well for this cut.
  5. Chuck: With the chuck, the challenge is to soften the tough meat then that y'all can savor its flavour. Chuck steaks are commonly marinated before cooking. Chuck is one of the almost popular cuts for making ground beefiness, so information technology's likewise favoured for meatballs and burgers.
  6. Flat rib: Beef flat rib, sometimes called beefiness short rib, is a favourite cut of beefiness for roasting. When braised adequately, this cut can become meltingly tender. It's as well delicious when sliced sparse (with or without the bones) and cooked chop-chop over high rut.
  7. Brisket: This big piece of flavour-packed beef is often cured or smoked, simply it's also one of the best cuts for braising and wearisome cooking. Brisket toughness tin exist counteracted with long, slow cooking to evangelize a rich, tender meat.
  8. Prime rib: Prime rib is juicy, tender, and marbled with fatty. Its tenderness comes from muscles that aren't heavily used, and it stays juicy because of its fat. Grilling or roasting are both suitable cooking methods that volition brown and cook the tasty fat on the outside – just have care not to overcook the inside.
  9. Soft flank: A long, flat cutting of meat from the abdominal region, this steak comes from difficult-working muscles. The resulting meat is fibrous and tough, only packed with flavor. Inexpensive flank steak, marinated and pan-seared, is a guaranteed crowd pleaser.
  10. Fly rib: This cut consists of the backbone, three or four ribs, the large eye musculus, and an fifty-fifty covering of fat. Wing rib makes for tasty oven roasts and steaks that are best grilled or pan-fried.
  11. T-Os: T-Os is considered one of the highest quality dinner table steaks. Its distinctive 'T' shaped os is nestled between two steaks, each one a prized cutting of beefiness. Choose a cut with slight marbling and healthy-looking red colour. Use a fast dry-heat method of cooking the meat.
  12. Rump: Rump is i of the more tender portions – and probably the most sought-after steak in South Africa. This is because it'southward 1 of the most active areas of the cow's trunk and requires a long time to cook in order to soften. Ideally, rump steak should be cooked on low heat for several hours. For an excellent taste, rump should be cooked while submerged in What'due south Cooking Beef stock or cooking vino.
  13. Fillet: Fillet has very lilliputian fat or sinew and is evenly shaped. It'southward quick to prepare and e'er tender. Information technology often needs a good flavour enhancer every bit the meat itself is not very robust.
  14. Topside: Topside comes from the inner muscle of the thigh. This muscle is quite tender and very lean, making it ideal for roasting and carving into lean slices. Brand sure yous baste your topside regularly while information technology's in the oven.
  15. Silverside: Taken from the hindquarter, this is a big, lean, boneless cutting of meat with very little marbling of fat and a wide-grained texture. Information technology gets its name from the shiny silvery membrane covering its internal surface. Similar to topside, this cut will need to be cooked at a slower footstep to achieve tenderness.
  16. Aitchbone: This cut of beef is taken from the rump area of the cow, and it includes a wishbone-shaped bone through the slice of meat. It isn't quite every bit tender or well-marbled as sirloin, but the lean meat is certainly flavourful. Aitchbone beef roast should exist cooked slowly to retain as much moisture as possible.
  17. Thick flank: This cut is ideal for a lean, juicy Lord's day steak. Trim it before cooking in the oven or eddy it tender in a classic French casserole. Due to the low level of fat and a large amount of connecting tissue with only one thin membrane running through it, the loin is best suited to a pot roast, cooked slowly in high humidity over a long period.

When it comes to working with meat, it's about more than just knowing how to put it on the braai and calculation a option of spices. It'due south about every unique cut, their natural properties and how you can melt them up to get the most out of every bite.

At present, with access to a variety of beef recipes and your newfound knowledge of the different cuts of meat, ensure that the side by side time you lot're cooking up a tempest, you know exactly what you're doing. Determine on your favourite season and take to the grill with cooking skills that are sure to go out you lot surprised.

Remember to take a expect at our range of spices and seasonings specially created for getting the best gustatory modality out of every meal and don't let your noesis on beef permit y'all downward, just download our like shooting fish in a barrel to use guide to beefiness cuts and take it with you wherever you go!


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