West Side Story Beef and Boards

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Beef and Boards Dinner Theatre

Beef and Boards Dinner Theatre in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Higher up: Inside Beef & Boards Dinner Theatre. Photo provided by the theatre and used with written permission.

9301 Michigan Road
Indianapolis, IN 46268-3108

Upcoming Events

Listed in lodge by date and time from today forward.

Tuesday, May 31, 2022, 8:00 PM.
'Mary Poppins The Broadway Musical' at Beefiness and Boards Dinner Theatre.

One of Disney's most popular movies takes the stage as a musical on selected dates, May 19 to July 10: show times vary by performance date. Info: See Spider web site in this listing or call 317-872-9664..
Location: Beefiness and Boards Dinner Theatre, 9301 Michigan Road, Indianapolis, Marion Canton.
[Ref #1025752 posted on 2022-04-22]

Domicile | Acme | Bottom

Wed, June 1, 2022, ane:00 PM.
'Mary Poppins The Broadway Musical' at Beef and Boards Dinner Theatre.

One of Disney'due south most pop movies takes the phase as a musical on selected dates, May 19 to July 10: show times vary by performance date. Info: See Web site in this listing or call 317-872-9664..
Location: Beef and Boards Dinner Theatre, 9301 Michigan Road, Indianapolis, Marion County.
[Ref #1025753 posted on 2022-04-22]

Home | Top | Bottom

Th, June 2, 2022, 8:00 PM.
'Mary Poppins The Broadway Musical' at Beef and Boards Dinner Theatre.

1 of Disney's almost popular movies takes the stage equally a musical on selected dates, May 19 to July 10: testify times vary by functioning date. Info: See Web site in this list or phone call 317-872-9664..
Location: Beef and Boards Dinner Theatre, 9301 Michigan Route, Indianapolis, Marion County.
[Ref #1025754 posted on 2022-04-22]

Home | Elevation | Bottom

Friday, June iii, 2022, 8:00 PM.
'Mary Poppins The Broadway Musical' at Beefiness and Boards Dinner Theatre.

One of Disney'due south almost pop movies takes the phase equally a musical on selected dates, May xix to July ten: show times vary past performance date. Info: See Web site in this listing or phone call 317-872-9664..
Location: Beef and Boards Dinner Theatre, 9301 Michigan Road, Indianapolis, Marion County.
[Ref #1025755 posted on 2022-04-22]

Dwelling house | Top | Bottom

Sabbatum, June iv, 2022, 8:00 PM.
'Mary Poppins The Broadway Musical' at Beef and Boards Dinner Theatre.

One of Disney's well-nigh popular movies takes the stage as a musical on selected dates, May 19 to July x: show times vary by performance date. Info: See Spider web site in this listing or call 317-872-9664..
Location: Beef and Boards Dinner Theatre, 9301 Michigan Road, Indianapolis, Marion Canton.
[Ref #1025757 posted on 2022-04-22]

Domicile | Superlative | Bottom

Lord's day, June 5, 2022, 1:00 PM.
'Mary Poppins The Broadway Musical' at Beef and Boards Dinner Theatre.

1 of Disney'south well-nigh popular movies takes the stage as a musical on selected dates, May xix to July 10: bear witness times vary by performance appointment. Info: See Web site in this list or telephone call 317-872-9664..
Location: Beef and Boards Dinner Theatre, 9301 Michigan Road, Indianapolis, Marion County.
[Ref #1025758 posted on 2022-04-22]

Home | Top | Bottom

Dominicus, June 5, 2022, vii:00 PM.
'Mary Poppins The Broadway Musical' at Beef and Boards Dinner Theatre.

1 of Disney'south most popular movies takes the stage as a musical on selected dates, May nineteen to July 10: show times vary by performance date. Info: Run across Web site in this listing or call 317-872-9664..
Location: Beef and Boards Dinner Theatre, 9301 Michigan Road, Indianapolis, Marion County.
[Ref #1025759 posted on 2022-04-22]

Habitation | Top | Bottom

Tuesday, June seven, 2022, 8:00 PM.
'Mary Poppins The Broadway Musical' at Beefiness and Boards Dinner Theatre.

I of Disney'due south well-nigh pop movies takes the phase equally a musical on selected dates, May 19 to July 10: show times vary past performance date. Info: See Web site in this listing or phone call 317-872-9664..
Location: Beef and Boards Dinner Theatre, 9301 Michigan Road, Indianapolis, Marion County.
[Ref #1025760 posted on 2022-04-22]

Home | Top | Lesser

Wednesday, June viii, 2022, 1:00 PM.
'Mary Poppins The Broadway Musical' at Beefiness and Boards Dinner Theatre.

One of Disney'due south most popular movies takes the stage as a musical on selected dates, May 19 to July 10: show times vary past performance engagement. Info: Encounter Web site in this listing or call 317-872-9664..
Location: Beef and Boards Dinner Theatre, 9301 Michigan Road, Indianapolis, Marion County.
[Ref #1025761 posted on 2022-04-22]

Dwelling | Meridian | Bottom

Thursday, June 9, 2022, 8:00 PM.
'Mary Poppins The Broadway Musical' at Beefiness and Boards Dinner Theatre.

One of Disney's nigh popular movies takes the stage every bit a musical on selected dates, May xix to July ten: show times vary by performance date. Info: Come across Web site in this listing or call 317-872-9664..
Location: Beefiness and Boards Dinner Theatre, 9301 Michigan Road, Indianapolis, Marion County.
[Ref #1025762 posted on 2022-04-22]

Home | Elevation | Lesser

Friday, June ten, 2022, 8:00 PM.
'Mary Poppins The Broadway Musical' at Beefiness and Boards Dinner Theatre.

One of Disney's almost popular movies takes the stage equally a musical on selected dates, May nineteen to July 10: evidence times vary past performance engagement. Info: See Web site in this listing or call 317-872-9664..
Location: Beef and Boards Dinner Theatre, 9301 Michigan Road, Indianapolis, Marion County.
[Ref #1025763 posted on 2022-04-22]

Domicile | Top | Bottom

Saturday, June eleven, 2022, ane:00 PM.
'Mary Poppins The Broadway Musical' at Beefiness and Boards Dinner Theatre.

Ane of Disney's most popular movies takes the stage every bit a musical on selected dates, May 19 to July 10: show times vary by performance engagement. Info: See Web site in this list or call 317-872-9664..
Location: Beef and Boards Dinner Theatre, 9301 Michigan Road, Indianapolis, Marion County.
[Ref #1025765 posted on 2022-04-22]

Home | Acme | Bottom

Saturday, June xi, 2022, viii:00 PM.
'Mary Poppins The Broadway Musical' at Beef and Boards Dinner Theatre.

1 of Disney's most popular movies takes the stage as a musical on selected dates, May nineteen to July 10: show times vary by functioning appointment. Info: Come across Spider web site in this listing or call 317-872-9664..
Location: Beef and Boards Dinner Theatre, 9301 Michigan Road, Indianapolis, Marion County.
[Ref #1025764 posted on 2022-04-22]

Home | Top | Bottom

Sunday, June 12, 2022, i:00 PM.
'Mary Poppins The Broadway Musical' at Beef and Boards Dinner Theatre.

I of Disney's most popular movies takes the stage as a musical on selected dates, May 19 to July 10: bear witness times vary past performance date. Info: See Web site in this listing or call 317-872-9664..
Location: Beef and Boards Dinner Theatre, 9301 Michigan Route, Indianapolis, Marion County.
[Ref #1025766 posted on 2022-04-22]

Home | Tiptop | Lesser

Sun, June 12, 2022, 7:00 PM.
'Mary Poppins The Broadway Musical' at Beefiness and Boards Dinner Theatre.

Ane of Disney's nigh popular movies takes the stage as a musical on selected dates, May 19 to July 10: show times vary by operation appointment. Info: Encounter Web site in this list or call 317-872-9664..
Location: Beef and Boards Dinner Theatre, 9301 Michigan Road, Indianapolis, Marion County.
[Ref #1025767 posted on 2022-04-22]

Home | Acme | Bottom

Tuesday, June xiv, 2022, 8:00 PM.
'Mary Poppins The Broadway Musical' at Beef and Boards Dinner Theatre.

One of Disney'due south most popular movies takes the phase as a musical on selected dates, May 19 to July ten: show times vary past performance date. Info: See Spider web site in this listing or telephone call 317-872-9664..
Location: Beef and Boards Dinner Theatre, 9301 Michigan Route, Indianapolis, Marion County.
[Ref #1025768 posted on 2022-04-22]

Home | Top | Bottom

Wednesday, June 15, 2022, 1:00 PM.
'Mary Poppins The Broadway Musical' at Beefiness and Boards Dinner Theatre.

Ane of Disney'due south near popular movies takes the stage equally a musical on selected dates, May 19 to July ten: show times vary past performance engagement. Info: See Web site in this list or call 317-872-9664..
Location: Beefiness and Boards Dinner Theatre, 9301 Michigan Road, Indianapolis, Marion County.
[Ref #1025769 posted on 2022-04-22]

Home | Elevation | Bottom

Th, June 16, 2022, eight:00 PM.
'Mary Poppins The Broadway Musical' at Beef and Boards Dinner Theatre.

Ane of Disney'southward most popular movies takes the stage every bit a musical on selected dates, May 19 to July 10: show times vary by functioning engagement. Info: See Spider web site in this list or call 317-872-9664..
Location: Beef and Boards Dinner Theatre, 9301 Michigan Route, Indianapolis, Marion County.
[Ref #1025770 posted on 2022-04-22]

Habitation | Top | Bottom

Friday, June 17, 2022, 8:00 PM.
'Mary Poppins The Broadway Musical' at Beefiness and Boards Dinner Theatre.

One of Disney'southward most popular movies takes the stage every bit a musical on selected dates, May 19 to July 10: prove times vary by performance engagement. Info: Run into Web site in this listing or call 317-872-9664..
Location: Beef and Boards Dinner Theatre, 9301 Michigan Road, Indianapolis, Marion County.
[Ref #1025771 posted on 2022-04-22]

Domicile | Top | Bottom

Saturday, June 18, 2022, 8:00 PM.
'Mary Poppins The Broadway Musical' at Beef and Boards Dinner Theatre.

Ane of Disney's virtually popular movies takes the phase as a musical on selected dates, May 19 to July 10: show times vary by performance date. Info: Come across Spider web site in this listing or phone call 317-872-9664..
Location: Beef and Boards Dinner Theatre, 9301 Michigan Route, Indianapolis, Marion County.
[Ref #1025772 posted on 2022-04-22]

Home | Top | Lesser

Sunday, June xix, 2022, one:00 PM.
'Mary Poppins The Broadway Musical' at Beefiness and Boards Dinner Theatre.

One of Disney's most popular movies takes the stage every bit a musical on selected dates, May 19 to July 10: evidence times vary past performance date. Info: Encounter Web site in this listing or call 317-872-9664..
Location: Beef and Boards Dinner Theatre, 9301 Michigan Road, Indianapolis, Marion County.
[Ref #1025773 posted on 2022-04-22]

Home | Top | Bottom

Sun, June nineteen, 2022, seven:00 PM.
'Mary Poppins The Broadway Musical' at Beef and Boards Dinner Theatre.

Ane of Disney'southward almost pop movies takes the stage as a musical on selected dates, May 19 to July 10: show times vary by performance date. Info: See Web site in this listing or call 317-872-9664..
Location: Beefiness and Boards Dinner Theatre, 9301 Michigan Route, Indianapolis, Marion County.
[Ref #1025774 posted on 2022-04-22]

Home | Top | Bottom

Tuesday, June 21, 2022, viii:00 PM.
'Mary Poppins The Broadway Musical' at Beef and Boards Dinner Theatre.

One of Disney's nearly popular movies takes the stage as a musical on selected dates, May 19 to July x: prove times vary by performance date. Info: See Web site in this list or telephone call 317-872-9664..
Location: Beefiness and Boards Dinner Theatre, 9301 Michigan Road, Indianapolis, Marion County.
[Ref #1025775 posted on 2022-04-22]

Dwelling house | Top | Bottom

Wednesday, June 22, 2022, 1:00 PM.
'Mary Poppins The Broadway Musical' at Beef and Boards Dinner Theatre.

One of Disney's most popular movies takes the stage as a musical on selected dates, May 19 to July ten: show times vary by performance appointment. Info: Run across Web site in this listing or call 317-872-9664..
Location: Beef and Boards Dinner Theatre, 9301 Michigan Road, Indianapolis, Marion County.
[Ref #1025776 posted on 2022-04-22]

Home | Elevation | Lesser

Th, June 23, 2022, viii:00 PM.
'Mary Poppins The Broadway Musical' at Beefiness and Boards Dinner Theatre.

I of Disney's most pop movies takes the stage as a musical on selected dates, May 19 to July 10: show times vary by performance date. Info: Meet Web site in this list or call 317-872-9664..
Location: Beef and Boards Dinner Theatre, 9301 Michigan Road, Indianapolis, Marion County.
[Ref #1025777 posted on 2022-04-22]

Habitation | Elevation | Bottom

Fri, June 24, 2022, 8:00 PM.
'Mary Poppins The Broadway Musical' at Beef and Boards Dinner Theatre.

1 of Disney's most popular movies takes the stage as a musical on selected dates, May nineteen to July 10: show times vary by performance engagement. Info: See Web site in this list or call 317-872-9664..
Location: Beef and Boards Dinner Theatre, 9301 Michigan Road, Indianapolis, Marion County.
[Ref #1025778 posted on 2022-04-22]

Home | Top | Lesser

Saturday, June 25, 2022, 1:00 PM.
'Mary Poppins The Broadway Musical' at Beef and Boards Dinner Theatre.

I of Disney'southward most pop movies takes the stage as a musical on selected dates, May 19 to July 10: show times vary by operation date. Info: See Web site in this list or call 317-872-9664..
Location: Beefiness and Boards Dinner Theatre, 9301 Michigan Road, Indianapolis, Marion County.
[Ref #1025780 posted on 2022-04-22]

Home | Top | Bottom

Saturday, June 25, 2022, 8:00 PM.
'Mary Poppins The Broadway Musical' at Beef and Boards Dinner Theatre.

One of Disney's most pop movies takes the phase as a musical on selected dates, May 19 to July 10: show times vary by operation engagement. Info: Encounter Spider web site in this listing or telephone call 317-872-9664..
Location: Beef and Boards Dinner Theatre, 9301 Michigan Road, Indianapolis, Marion County.
[Ref #1025779 posted on 2022-04-22]

Home | Tiptop | Lesser

Sun, June 26, 2022, one:00 PM.
'Mary Poppins The Broadway Musical' at Beefiness and Boards Dinner Theatre.

One of Disney's most pop movies takes the stage as a musical on selected dates, May 19 to July 10: evidence times vary by performance date. Info: See Spider web site in this listing or call 317-872-9664..
Location: Beef and Boards Dinner Theatre, 9301 Michigan Road, Indianapolis, Marion County.
[Ref #1025781 posted on 2022-04-22]

Home | Top | Bottom

Sunday, June 26, 2022, vii:00 PM.
'Mary Poppins The Broadway Musical' at Beef and Boards Dinner Theatre.

One of Disney'due south virtually popular movies takes the stage as a musical on selected dates, May 19 to July 10: show times vary by performance appointment. Info: Meet Web site in this list or call 317-872-9664..
Location: Beef and Boards Dinner Theatre, 9301 Michigan Route, Indianapolis, Marion Canton.
[Ref #1025782 posted on 2022-04-22]

Home | Summit | Bottom

Tuesday, June 28, 2022, 8:00 PM.
'Mary Poppins The Broadway Musical' at Beefiness and Boards Dinner Theatre.

One of Disney's most popular movies takes the stage as a musical on selected dates, May 19 to July 10: show times vary by functioning appointment. Info: Encounter Web site in this listing or call 317-872-9664..
Location: Beef and Boards Dinner Theatre, 9301 Michigan Route, Indianapolis, Marion County.
[Ref #1025783 posted on 2022-04-22]

Habitation | Height | Lesser

Wed, June 29, 2022, 1:00 PM.
'Mary Poppins The Broadway Musical' at Beef and Boards Dinner Theatre.

One of Disney'southward most pop movies takes the phase as a musical on selected dates, May nineteen to July 10: show times vary by performance date. Info: Come across Spider web site in this listing or call 317-872-9664..
Location: Beef and Boards Dinner Theatre, 9301 Michigan Route, Indianapolis, Marion County.
[Ref #1025784 posted on 2022-04-22]

Home | Pinnacle | Bottom

Thursday, June 30, 2022, 8:00 PM.
'Mary Poppins The Broadway Musical' at Beef and Boards Dinner Theatre.

1 of Disney's almost popular movies takes the phase as a musical on selected dates, May 19 to July 10: show times vary by performance engagement. Info: Run across Web site in this list or call 317-872-9664..
Location: Beef and Boards Dinner Theatre, 9301 Michigan Route, Indianapolis, Marion County.
[Ref #1025785 posted on 2022-04-22]

Home | Superlative | Bottom

Fri, July 1, 2022, 8:00 PM.
'Mary Poppins The Broadway Musical' at Beef and Boards Dinner Theatre.

Ane of Disney'due south about popular movies takes the stage equally a musical on selected dates, May 19 to July 10: evidence times vary by performance date. Info: Run into Web site in this list or call 317-872-9664..
Location: Beefiness and Boards Dinner Theatre, 9301 Michigan Road, Indianapolis, Marion County.
[Ref #1025786 posted on 2022-04-22]

Dwelling | Top | Lesser

Sabbatum, July ii, 2022, 8:00 PM.
'Mary Poppins The Broadway Musical' at Beef and Boards Dinner Theatre.

I of Disney's most pop movies takes the stage every bit a musical on selected dates, May nineteen to July 10: show times vary by performance date. Info: Run into Web site in this listing or call 317-872-9664..
Location: Beef and Boards Dinner Theatre, 9301 Michigan Route, Indianapolis, Marion County.
[Ref #1025787 posted on 2022-04-22]

Home | Top | Bottom

Sun, July 3, 2022, ane:00 PM.
'Mary Poppins The Broadway Musical' at Beef and Boards Dinner Theatre.

Ane of Disney's about popular movies takes the stage as a musical on selected dates, May 19 to July x: show times vary by performance engagement. Info: Run into Web site in this listing or phone call 317-872-9664..
Location: Beef and Boards Dinner Theatre, 9301 Michigan Route, Indianapolis, Marion County.
[Ref #1025788 posted on 2022-04-22]

Home | Top | Bottom

Sunday, July three, 2022, seven:00 PM.
'Mary Poppins The Broadway Musical' at Beef and Boards Dinner Theatre.

One of Disney's almost pop movies takes the phase as a musical on selected dates, May nineteen to July 10: show times vary by performance date. Info: See Web site in this listing or call 317-872-9664..
Location: Beef and Boards Dinner Theatre, 9301 Michigan Road, Indianapolis, Marion County.
[Ref #1025789 posted on 2022-04-22]

Home | Top | Bottom

Tuesday, July 5, 2022, 8:00 PM.
'Mary Poppins The Broadway Musical' at Beefiness and Boards Dinner Theatre.

I of Disney's most pop movies takes the stage every bit a musical on selected dates, May 19 to July x: show times vary by performance engagement. Info: Run into Spider web site in this listing or call 317-872-9664..
Location: Beef and Boards Dinner Theatre, 9301 Michigan Road, Indianapolis, Marion Canton.
[Ref #1025790 posted on 2022-04-22]

Dwelling house | Top | Bottom

Midweek, July vi, 2022, 1:00 PM.
'Mary Poppins The Broadway Musical' at Beef and Boards Dinner Theatre.

One of Disney'due south well-nigh popular movies takes the stage as a musical on selected dates, May 19 to July x: show times vary past performance engagement. Info: See Web site in this list or phone call 317-872-9664..
Location: Beefiness and Boards Dinner Theatre, 9301 Michigan Road, Indianapolis, Marion County.
[Ref #1025791 posted on 2022-04-22]

Dwelling house | Top | Bottom

Th, July seven, 2022, eight:00 PM.
'Mary Poppins The Broadway Musical' at Beefiness and Boards Dinner Theatre.

I of Disney's well-nigh popular movies takes the stage as a musical on selected dates, May nineteen to July 10: show times vary by operation date. Info: See Web site in this list or phone call 317-872-9664..
Location: Beef and Boards Dinner Theatre, 9301 Michigan Route, Indianapolis, Marion County.
[Ref #1025792 posted on 2022-04-22]

Home | Top | Bottom

Friday, July 8, 2022, eight:00 PM.
'Mary Poppins The Broadway Musical' at Beef and Boards Dinner Theatre.

One of Disney's nigh popular movies takes the stage as a musical on selected dates, May 19 to July 10: show times vary by operation date. Info: Meet Web site in this list or phone call 317-872-9664..
Location: Beefiness and Boards Dinner Theatre, 9301 Michigan Road, Indianapolis, Marion County.
[Ref #1025793 posted on 2022-04-22]

Home | Top | Lesser

Saturday, July 9, 2022, i:00 PM.
'Mary Poppins The Broadway Musical' at Beef and Boards Dinner Theatre.

Ane of Disney'southward near pop movies takes the stage every bit a musical on selected dates, May nineteen to July x: show times vary past performance date. Info: Run across Spider web site in this listing or call 317-872-9664..
Location: Beef and Boards Dinner Theatre, 9301 Michigan Road, Indianapolis, Marion Canton.
[Ref #1025795 posted on 2022-04-22]

Home | Superlative | Bottom

Sat, July 9, 2022, 8:00 PM.
'Mary Poppins The Broadway Musical' at Beefiness and Boards Dinner Theatre.

Ane of Disney'southward most pop movies takes the stage every bit a musical on selected dates, May 19 to July ten: bear witness times vary by functioning date. Info: Encounter Spider web site in this list or telephone call 317-872-9664..
Location: Beef and Boards Dinner Theatre, 9301 Michigan Route, Indianapolis, Marion Canton.
[Ref #1025794 posted on 2022-04-22]

Dwelling | Top | Bottom

Sun, July 10, 2022, ane:00 PM.
'Mary Poppins The Broadway Musical' at Beefiness and Boards Dinner Theatre.

Ane of Disney'due south most popular movies takes the stage as a musical on selected dates, May 19 to July 10: bear witness times vary by functioning date. Info: Come across Web site in this listing or call 317-872-9664..
Location: Beef and Boards Dinner Theatre, 9301 Michigan Road, Indianapolis, Marion County.
[Ref #1025796 posted on 2022-04-22]

Home | Top | Lesser

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Source: https://aroundindy.com/beefandboards.php

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